Stratford offers a wide selection of culinary delights for every taste and budget. We make it easy to use. For ideas, visit our website, browse our food guide or a culinary adventure, you choose a restaurant and an e-mail or phone to request a reservation.
Here's a simple and easy recipe for delicious coconut macaroons - brought to you by the staff and students of Liaison College, Ontario's #1 culinary arts and chef training facility. See our other videos, or for more recipes and promotions, visit Please note that all participants have been given the flexibility to add their own creative take to the recipe, and that this video not represent the traditional method of preparation.
Get the recipe - The Culinary Institute of America is the world's premier culinary college. Culinary school chef instructor Dave Kamendemonstrates how to prepare delicious homemade fruit smoothies and smoothie popsicles with his kids. For more information about our cooking school, please visit
Eleanor wanted to own food business, and has seen new restaurants that are not. Using the Socratic method, and donations of money, of course, Acton, who received the knowledge and confidence of your culinary dreams come true. For more information on the Acton School of Business, visit:
Theme 1: Meeting the needs of leisure and relax How can we further improve the provision of recreational facilities for the free time to meet the diverse needs of Singapore? What will happen in Singapore and 50 years later? Singapore has a population of 6.5 million consists of four main ethnic groups characterized by their love of food and other dialects Singlish. In addition, the aging population, declining birth rates, and thus omnipresent nuclear family, the population densityalso increase because of the large migrant population. expected that significant progress in technology, mechanization would be convenient and common. Home Entertainment in Singapore and more recreational and leisure needs AIR2 centers (Figure 1) HDB blocks in a variety of recreational needs of Singapore trimmed interior and exterior, respectively. These initiatives take advantage of the height and width, and remains sensitive to the legal use of land in land scarce Singaporeenvironmental concerns. AIR2 Outdoor Recreation Recreation Aqua roof integrated (AIR 2) is a kind of vertical system, designed to accommodate around outdoor activities for all age ranges from medium-sized gardening, Tai Chi, martial arts , basketball, etc. and a water playground for children. filtration systems and natural water, stones, gravel, coal and sand layers are placed under the soil surface. As precipitation passes through the soil layers and the filter (see...
This years Class Day speaker is Jacques Pépin, a 1970 graduate of GS and a world-renowned chef, author, and television host. Pépin left school at the age of 13 for a formal apprenticeship in a French kitchen. After working his way up through the restaurants of Paris and serving as the personal chef to Charles de Gaulle, he immigrated to New York. Pépin began taking English-language courses at Columbia and, after two years of intensive study, applied to the School of General Studies. He attended GS part time while working as the director of research and new development for the Howard Johnson Company. After graduating from GS in 1970, he went on to earn a masters in French literature from Columbias Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Over the past four decades Pépin has achieved extraordinary success as a restaurateur, author, television host, and instructor. He currently teaches at the French Culinary Institute, where he also serves as Dean of Special Programs, and Boston University, where he helped to establish the masters program in gastronomy. His books La Technique and La Methode are considered landmarks in the culinary field, and along with his friend and cohost Julia Child, he received a Daytime Emmy for Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home. He is also the recipient of three of the French governments highest honors and is a Chevalier de LOrdre National de Legion dHonneur, a Chevalier de LOrdre des Arts et des Lettres, and a Chevalier de LOrdre du Mérite Agricole.