From Ethnic to Mainstream: Latino Chefs Conquering NYC | The New School

Friday, November 25, 2011

FOOD STUDIES | Although food from Mexico, Brazil, and other Latin American countries has become a staple of the New York diet, Latino chefs often do not receive the same public recognition and critical accolades as those from other cultures. Their culinary traditions are frequently conflated and confused, and many consumers are still reluctant to pay a fair price for dishes that require expensive ingredients and extraordinary skill. What does it mean for Latino chefs to become successful in a competitive restaurant market like New York City? What structural and cultural obstacles do they face? What is the future for Latino labor in food service? THE NEW SCHOOL FOR PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT | The panel includes chefs Jacques Gautier of Palo Santo, Roberto Santibañez of Fonda, and Maximo Tejada of Rayuela & Macondo, as well as Latino cultural promoter Mariana Suarez of Gourmet Latino. Moderated by Fabio Parasecoli, associate professor and New School Food Studies program coordinator. Sponsored by the New School Food Studies program. THE NEW SCHOOL | Location Wollman Hall, Eugene Lang Building. 09/07/2011 6:00 pm

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